Henry Salt’s Sister

Ellen Maude Elizabeth Salt, Henry Salt’s sister, died aged just 2.

Ellen Maude Elizabeth Salt death certificate

Superintendent Registrar’s District: Aberystwyth
Registrar’s District: Aberystwyth

1855 Deaths in the District of Aberystwyth in the County of Cardigan

No.: 33
When Died: Sixteenth March 1855, Laura Place, Aberystwyth
Name and Surname: Ellen Maude Elizabeth Salt
Sex: Female
Age: 2 Years + 3 Months
Rank or Profession: Daughter of Thomas Henry Salt of the Bengal Artillery
Cause of Death: Water on the Brain – Certified
Signaure, Description and Resdience of Informant: X The Mark of Mary Pugh present at the death. ??? Barn, Shrewbury
Signature of Registrar: John Coln(?) Registrar

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