Humanitarian League Committees

Executive Committee

Ernest Bell, M.A. (Hon. Treasurer)
Alfred Binns
Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner
Herbert Burrows
Joseph Collinson (Hon. Sec.)
Dr. Helen Densmore

Edmund Harvey
Mrs. C. Mallet
Dr. W. Douglas Morrison
Henry S. Salt
Howard Williams, M.A.
LLewellyn W. Williams

General Committee

Henry Broadhurst, M.P.
Fred. Brocklehurst
Mrs. Percy Bunting
Edward Carpenter
Rev. John Clifford, D.D.
Mrs. Cobden Sanderson
Lord Coleridge, Q.C.
E. T. Collis
Dr. Moncure Conway
C. A. V. Conybeare (late M.P.)
Walter Crane
Michael Davitt (late M.P.)
John Dillon, M.P.
Dr. R. Farquharson, M.P.
G. W. Foote (President National Secular Society)
Rt. Rev. Lord Bishop of Hereford
Geo. J. Holyoake
Rev. J. Page Hopps

C. H. Hopwood, Q.C. (Recorder of Liverpool)
Robert Johnson
Edna Lyall
J. H. Levy (Person Rights Association)
H. W. Massingham
Mr. Justice Mathew
W. H. S. Monck, B.L. (Regestrar in Bankruptcy, Dublin)
Rev. Douglas Morrison, LL.D.
Mrs. Fredk. Pennington
E. H. Pickersgill, M.P.
J. Allanson Picton (late M.P.)
F. Livingston Prescott
J. M. Robertson
George Bernard Shaw
Lady Henry Somerset
W. T. Stead
Mr. Justice Wright