Founders of the League for the Prohibition of Cruel Sports


Jessey Wade was a co-founder of the League for the Prohibition of Cruel Sports with Ernest Bell, John Galsworthy & other friends in 1927

John Edmundson

The League for the Prohibition of Cruel Sports was founded by Henry B. Amos and Ernest Bell

Claim: The League for the Prohibition of Cruel Sports (now League Against Cruel Sports) – Jessey [Wade] was a co-founder with Ernest Bell, John Galsworthy & other friends – founded in 1927

Jessey Wade - The League for the Prohibition of Cruel Sports
Jessey Wade - The League for the Prohibition of Cruel Sports

Explainer: The use of Wikipedia as a source is problematical as it’s not a reliable source of information as the website itself acknowledges.

The Wikipedia page actually states, “The League for the Prohibition of Cruel Sports was founded in 1924 by Ernest Bell, Henry B. Amos and George Greenwood, with the support of Henry S. Salt, Edward Carpenter and George Bernard Shaw.” There is no reference to Jessey Wade or John Galsworthy at all, furthermore the year is wrong.

In “A Hundred Years of the League”1 it is stated, “In the small town of Morden in 1923, one man, Henry Amos, raised a protest against rabbit coursing… In 1924, along with Ernest Bell, he established the League for the Prohibition of Cruel Sports.”

  1. A Hundred Years of the League, League Against Cruel Sports, March 2024 ↩︎

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