Fact Check: Misstatement in Stephen Winsten’s Biography of Henry Stephens Salt
In his 1951 biography Salt and His Circle, Stephen Winsten begins chapter one with the statement: “HENRY STEPHENS SHAKESPEAR SALT was born in India.”
Incorrect. Winsten erroneously alters Henry Salt’s name, which should read Henry Shakespear Stephens Salt. This error, along with other unsubstantiated claims, casts doubt on the reliability of Winsten’s biography.
Examination of the Claim
- Name Discrepancy:
- Official records confirm that Henry Salt’s full name was Henry Shakespear Stephens Salt.
- Evidence includes an extract from the Register of Baptism for St. John’s in the Wilderness, Nynee Tal, as well as both of Salt’s marriage certificates.
- Lack of Referencing in Salt and His Circle:
- Winsten does not provide any citations or references to substantiate his version of Salt’s name.
- As this was the first biography of Henry Salt, subsequent researchers and authors, including George and Willene Hendrick in their otherwise excellent The Savour of Salt, understandably accepted this error without verification.
- Implications for Winsten’s Biography:
- Starting the biography with an error in the second word of the first sentence reflects poorly on Winsten’s overall reliability.
- Given the absence of sources and the inclusion of other questionable claims, the credibility of Salt and His Circle requires further scrutiny.
Stephen Winsten’s biography Salt and His Circle opens with a demonstrable inaccuracy regarding Henry Salt’s full name. This error, uncorrected and unreferenced, has propagated through subsequent works and highlights the need for caution when relying on this biography as a source.
This mistake sets the tone for Winsten’s book, raising concerns about its broader accuracy. Further examination of his claims will follow in due course.