IN the January number of this Magazine I attempted to show that flesh-eating is not in accordance with the dictates of morality or good taste. In the present paper I wish to meet some of the stock arguments that are most commonly advanced by the opponents of Food Reform, and to prove in each case that for those who are once convinced of the desirability of a Vegetarian diet, there is no insuperable difficulty in carrying their wishes into practical effect. In nine cases out of ten it will be found that these objections to Vegetarianism are based on no solid and rational grounds, but rather on some half-dozen prejudices which have taken deep root in the British mind, and are in one form or another continually reappearing. I am aware that in refuting these time-honoured fallacies, I am only going over ground which has already been repeatedly traversed. But as long as our opponents persist in advancing the same arguments, we Vegetarians may be pardoned for reproducing the same replies.
More by Henry Salt
- Civilization of the Animals, Vegetarian Review, March 1896
- A Little Knowledge, The Vegetarian News, November 1928
- Vegetarianism As Related To Other Reforms, The Vegetarian Messenger, October 1899
- Good Taste in Diet, The Food Reform Magazine, October-December 1883
- On Certain Fallacies (Part 2), The Food Reform Magazine, December 1882
- Some Results of Food Reform, The Food Reform Magazine, October 1882
- The Humanities of Diet, Fortnightly Review, September, 1896
- Vegetarianism and Social Reform, The Dietetic Reformer and Vegetarian Messenger, April 1, 1885
- A Timely Plea: Addressed To Those Who Are Able To Think, The Dietetic Reformer and Vegetarian Messenger, January 1884
- The ‘Sanitary Wool’ System, The Food Reform Magazine, April-June 1885