IN a former number of the Food Reform Magazine I attempted to expose the fallacies involved in the seven commonest objections to Vegetarianism, which then suggested themselves to my mind. In the present supplementary paper I wish to draw attention to five other arguments of a similar kind, on which I had not time then to dwell, but which are also very frequently advanced by our adversaries. We shall then have in all a dozen fallacies, which, with apologies to the shade of Sydney Smith, I shall venture finally to collect and exhibit in what I will call “The Flesh-eater’s oration.”
More by Henry Salt
- A Little Knowledge, The Vegetarian News, November 1928
- The Dilemma of the Dean, The Vegetarian News, May 1932
- The Old Cabbage Again!, The Vegetarian News, June 1933
- The ‘Sanitary Wool’ System, The Food Reform Magazine, April-June 1885
- The Troubles of Travellers, The Dietetic Reformer and Vegetarian Messenger, September 1, 1886
- Fasting and Feasting, Justice, April 4, 1885
- A Friendly Duel: Raymond Blathwayt chats to Henry S. Salt, The Vegetarian, May 21, 1898
- Civilization of the Animals, Vegetarian Review, March 1896
- The Dean Again, The Vegetarian News, September 1934
- Biblical Vegetarianism, The Humane Review, 1908-9