In A Sage at Close Quarters Henry Salt wrote, “In 1910 we built a cottage at Holmesfield, within a mile of Millthorpe, and lived there for some seven years.” Their close friend Edward Carpenter was living at Millthorpe.
The 1911 census lists Henry and Kate Salt, along with Helen Pogosky, living at Horsleygate Lane, Holmesfield, near Sheffield.
Exactly where the Salts lived at on Horsleygate Lane is unknown, as all correspondence was simply addressed to Horsleygate Lane, Holmesfield.

Horsleygate Lane runs from Horsleygate to Holmesfield Common.

The 1911 census schedule (above) shows the Salts living close to Durbrooks House, with a Day School on Holmesfield Common and Chapel close by. We haven’t been able to identify Cubley House. The schedule lists the Salts closer to Durbrooks House than either the Day School or the Chapel.

Comparing the 1899 map (above) and the 1922 map (below) shows two recently built houses built close to Durbrooks. One of these could be the cottage the Salts had built in 1910 as the 1911 census appears to list the Salts living two residences away from Durbrooks.

If you have any additional information, please contact us.