When the Huntsman claims praise for the killing of foxes,
Which else would bring ruin to farmer and land,
Yet so kindly imports them, preserves them, assorts them—
There’s a discrepance here that I’d fain understand.
When the Butcher makes boast of the killing of cattle,
That would multiply fast and the world over-run,
Yet so carefully breeds them, rears, fattens and feeds them—
Here also, methinks, a fine cobweb is spun.
Hark you, then, whose profession or pastime is killing!
To dispel your benignant illusions I’m loth:
But be one or the other, my double-faced brother,
Be slayer or savour—you cannot be both.
More Verses
- The Modern Guy Fawkes, The Commonweal, November 5, 1887
- New Form for the Swearing-in of Constables, Pall Mall Gazette, November 22, 1887
- On Mr. Bernard Shaw’s 70th Birthday, The Times, July 26, 1926
- The Making of the Brute, The Vegetarian Messenger and Health Review, May 1910
- The Altruistic Flesh-Eater, The Vegetarian Messenger and Health Review, May, 1926
- The Socialist not a Vegetarian, The Vegetarian Messenger and Health Review, February 1928
- Bob Anderson, My Beau, Justice, January 11, 1908
- The Visit of the Tzar, Justice, July 31, 1909
- The Sufficient Reason, The Vegetarian Messenger and Health Review, May, 1927
- William Godwin: A Sonnet, A Reading, His Life, Progress, April 1885