A Personal Recollection of Henry S. Salt
- Author: John Davies
- Publication: The Thoreau Society Bulletin, No. 29, October 1949
A Sunday on the Surrey Hills
- Author: George Bernard Shaw
- Publication: Pall Mall Gazette, April 28, 1888
- A visit to the Salts Tilford home
A Victorian Rebel
- Author: Frederic Whyte
- Publication: The Observer, 2 December, 1934
Against All Cruelty: The Humanitarian League 1891-1919
- Author: Dan Weinbren
- Publication: History Workshop Journal, Oxford University Press, No. 38, 1994
Diary of Mrs Ellen Matilda Salt
- Author: Ellen Matilda Salt
- Publication: Unpublished, na
Henry David Thoreau / Henry S. Salt
- Author: John F.C. Pontin
- Publication: Thoreau Journal Quarterly, Vol. VII No. 3, July 1975
Henry S. Salt Chronology
- Author: John F.C. Pontin
- Publication: Unpublished, 1991
Henry S. Salt, Socialist Animal Rights Activist
- Author: Brett Clark, John Bellamy Foster
- Publication: Organisation & Enviromental, Sage Publications, Inc., Vol. 13 No. 4, December 2000
Henry S. Salt, the late Victorian Socialists, and Thoreau
- Author: George Hendrick
- Publication: The New England Quarterly, 1977
Henry S. Salt: La Forza Comunicativa Del Saggio Dimenticato
- Author: Chiara Valeria Castelli
- Publication: Thesis, 2007
Henry Salt (1851 – 1939)
- Author: Amy Ratelle
- Publication: Yellow Nineties 2.0, 2014
Henry Salt and 100 Years of Animal Rights
- Author: Dena Jones Jolma
- Publication: The Animals' Agenda, Vol. 12 No. 8, November-December 1992
Henry Salt and Gandhi: A Notable Occasion
- Author: E.J.T.
- Publication: The Vegetarian News, Vol. 11 No. 132, December 1931
Henry Salt and His Life of Thoreau
- Author: John T. Flanagan
- Publication: The New England Quarterly, No. 28, June 1955
Henry Salt and the Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral
- Author: John M. Gilheany
- Publication: Henry S. Salt Society, 4 March 2011
Henry Salt and the Humanitarian League
- Author: Simon Wild
- Publication: Wildlife Guardian, Summer 2001
Henry Salt and the Humanitarian League
- Author: Chien-hui Li
- Publication: Thesis, 1998
- See ‘Mobilizing Traditions in the First Wave of the British Animal Defense Movement’
Henry Salt on Shelley: Literary Criticism and Ecological Identity
- Author: William Stroup
- Publication: University of Maryland Online, 2001
Henry Salt, Richard Jefferies, Shelley and Thoreau
- Author: John F.C. Pontin
- Publication: Unpublished, 1991
Henry Salt’s Biography of Thoreau
- Author: George Hendrick
- Publication: Miscellanea Anglo-Americana, Karl Pressler, 1974
Henry Salt’s Third Biography of Thoreau
- Author: Fritz Oehlschlaeger
- Publication: The Thoreau Society Bulletin, No. 146, Winter 1979
Identified with the One: Edward Carpenter, Henry Salt and the ethical socialist philosophy of science
- Author: Christopher E. Shaw
- Publication: Edward Carpenter and Late Victorian Radicalism, Routledge, 1990
James Thomson Centenary
- Author: Frederic Whyte
- Publication: The Observer, 25 November 1934
Literary Comments in the Letters of Henry S. Salt to W.S. Kennedy
- Author: George Hendrick
- Publication: Emerson Society Quarterly, No. 19, II Quarter 1960
Portrait de Henry Stephens Salt
- Author: Émilie Dardenne
- Publication: Les Cahiers Antispecistes, 2005